After the miserable performance of his favourite team in the FA Cup final on Saturday [no, it really wasn't a goal] Russ Bielby comforts himself with a thumb in his mouth [his] and a crinkly cuddle-up to his second Manager of the Week certificate of the season. His Livercoolio scored a large, large, large 30 points.
Meanwhile, Russ's friend and Real-Sense representative, the reprehensible Chwis Ralsh's Lashing of Cheese jumps into the top half of the table by climbing five places into fifteenth. Nice one.
And so, what have we here...?
Shamone Muddy Funksters v BM Mingmongs
Dave Clayton Neil McConaghy
These two teams are 5th and 7th respectively and only have three players in common. G Bale TOT, R Van Persie ARS and S Aguero MC.
So, these are the players battling it out, position for position.
Shamone Muddy Funksters Lge Pos: 5 BM Mingmongs Lge Pos: 7
Dave Clayton Points Neil McConaghy Points
---------------------------Val New ---------------------Val New
PIN Pos Name Team (M) Total PIN Pos Name Team (M) Total
------------------------------------- ------------------------------
110 GK P Cech CHE 4.8 6 v 119 GK J Reina LIV 4.2 14
187 FB D Simpson NEW 3.3 0 v 185 FB J Enriqu NEW 3.4 11
148 FB B Sagna ARS 4.3 0 v 182 FB P Evra MU 5.2 50
288 CB G Caldwell WIG 3.2 0 v 230 CB G Cahill BOL 3.5 11
247 CB V Kompany MC 4.5 53 v 237 CB P Jagiel EVE 3.9 25
586 MF J Mata CHE 4.8 11 v 374 MF D Silva MC 4.9 24
452 MF R Van der Vaart TOT 5.8 45 v 298 MF S Nasri ARS 5.2 35
350 MF C Dempsey FUL 4.4 60 v 453 MF C Brunt WBA 4.2 20
One of you will be taking home the 1975 All Stars Football Book. One of you, the Anthems.
The rest, you leave with nothing.
*ginger wink*
T h e T a b l e
Value Points
Team Manager (GBPm)Wk Tot
1 Inter Milandrover Smasher 54.1 23 484
2 Norma Snockers FC Sarah Bingham 54.9 22 477
3 Stay Poyet Stay! Nick Reed 53.4 24 442
4 Radnorshire Tigers Alun Edwards 53.7 1 433
5 Shamone Muddy FunkstersDave Clayton 53.8 29 432
6 Livercoolio Russell Bielby 53.6 30 412
7 BM Mingmongs Neil McConaghy 53.8 23 409
8 All Hail The Chairman Rob Ivison 55.0 13 394
9 Chi'Knees Czechers Jirka Opatrny 55.0 21 389
10 ADFC Adriana Chittelboro 53.7 6 387
11 Big Mally Malcolm Pratt 54.7 27 383
12 Sheep City Martyn Field 54.5 15 382
13 Decimated Left Peg Neil Jukes 53.8 28 381
14 Upmintster United Minty Colquhoun 54.1 6 353
15 Lashings of Cheese Chris Walsh 54.9 20 346
16 Johnny's Heroes Sarah-Jane John 54.6 11 345
17 Double's United Rachel Jones 54.8 11 344
17 Shivam's Sneakers Shivam Mehta 54.9 5 344
19 Moobchester United Jon King 52.4 10 343
20 Moreton United Edgar Rayner 54.2 21 337
21 Poyekhali Lester Clark 55.0 14 335
22 Phillham Filip Vejdovský 54.3 5 331
23 Woolyback Town AFC Guy Harewood 54.9 19 319
24 RS T-Boy Rick Beecroft 55.0 11 318
25 Irishpool Mike Smears 53.1 26 317
26 The WWMC Steve Tierney 54.2 11 302
27 Moanchester Alex Blundell 54.8 16 298
28 Real McDrid Craig McHugh 55.0 3 296
28 Freddie's Dreamers Francis Fox 55.0 11 296
30 Vonder Bramen Alan Betteridge 49.5 13 282
31 Pathetic Athletic Mark Weavers 53.7 9 264
32 It's A Snickers Ashley Keeler 54.9 12 262
33 Pompey Puss Lionel Larking 55.0 2 254
33 Real Mannsdid Dan Manns 55.0 1 254
35 Wardy's Wanderers Gavin Ward 54.5 18 238
Week's Average Points 14
Total Average Points 348
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